flowing adj. 1.流动的;如流的;(轮廓等)圆滑的,流畅的,连续不断的。 2.飘垂的。 3.上涨的。 flowing lock's 垂发。 flowing tide 涨潮。 a land flowing with milk and honey 【圣经】流乳与蜜的地方,鱼米之乡。 sail with a flowing sheet [sail] 【航海】放松帆脚减少风力,慢航。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
Iangnan light mechanism factory is a specialist in the field of plastic soft packing line equipment manufacturer . with 25 years producing history , it now has the ability to design and manufacture serial packing machines . the honghua brand flowing film combination color printing machine , one of its product , is the first combination color printing machine 阴市江南轻工机械厂是生产纸塑软包装设备的专业厂家,已有二十五年的生产历史,具有设计、制造、售后技术服务的全套软硬件技术设施,是我国第一家生产组合高速凹版印刷机的厂家,开创了组合凹版印刷机的先河。